This week, through the ISM Program in FISD, I went to an event called the Business Symposium. In the event, I was able to practice my professionalism, networking, and interview skills. Apart from my struggle to put on a tie, the event went pretty well because it was good practice for the skills previously listed. I was able to connect with other students, get knowledge from professionals, and learn about many different jobs.
Something I learned from the event was the importance of preparation. The event made me realize how important it was to be prepared for any task. During the event, I was not very prepared for my interviews or the networking, so my words came out sloppy, leading to (what I think is) a poor outcome and impression on the professionals and certain students who attended. Although I did improve throughout the event, it could have been better if I was more prepared.
Something else I learned was that there is no reason to stress in a professional environment. During the entire event, I was stressed about my tie because I thought it was not well done, and I was also stressed about voice and tone, to the point where an interviewer asked me if I was nervous. As nervous as I was, I think I made a relatively good impression on everyone I met, which made me realize that the more I stress, the worse the event will be for me. Everyone there is a person too, and they might be just as nervous as me. It is a “same boat” situation, so the key is to just breathe and enjoy myself while maintaining respect and professionalism.