After talking to my mentor about the ideas, most of them, on both our accords, were not viable, mainly for the reasons listed in the previous blog post. My mentor and I then came up with the idea for an importing business centered around importing items from India and selling them to convenience stores here around Frisco and Texas. This seemed like a great idea as it would allow me to learn about making a business while focusing on a field my mentor is extremely involved in. I told my mentor I would talk to my dad about the idea as he has connections and knows quite a bit about important and business.
After running the idea by him, he pointed out the flaw in that there are so many different people doing this and it is extremely difficult to break into. Also, it is expensive to start, which although not an issue, is something important to consider. My dad however gave me the idea of selling microgreens, which google defines as “a hypothesized term used for the emerging food product that is developed from various commercial food crops, such as vegetables, grains, and herbs”. It is a growing industry that my dad has attempted to make samples of so it is extremely simple to make and break into. I ran the idea by my mentor and he actually had some previous experience over the field. We have started researching and that is currently where I am in this project. My Final Product finally has some direction and I am excited to move forward with it.