A few weeks ago, I started to struggle with finding professionals to interview, however, I was able to get an interview with a professional very soon which went extremely well. Now however, I am once again struggling with this. I have contacted many professionals and have gotten connections back from very few and have gotten actual responses from even less.
Last time I was struggling, I got assistance and I hope to do the same again. However, I realize that the outcome will only be successful if I put in the work so I also plan on adopting new strategies. To start, I plan on making each message I send a lot shorter and more personal to the professional I am contacting as I believe that will make them more likely to reply. I am also going to contact more businesses directly and use other means of communications such as phone calls because LinkedIn has proven to be effective but less effective than originally I thought it would be. I will also start asking previous connections of mine and connections who are not open to the interviews to connect me to others in the field who might be.
Overall, although I am struggling with this task, I think I will be fine once again as I have a plan and am committed to executing it.