The past week was a very big step for me in my ISM and entrepreneurial journey. I had a mentor visit but this once was special as it was not just my mentor, but also with a man by the name of Henry Ling, a footwear development manager at Adidas. It was great to have him on call as the work I have been doing directly correlates with his industry.
He looked over the viability of my product and we covered it from many perspectives including economically, design based, functionality, etc. I believe I did well in terms of my speaking skills and presentation as this was essentially like another interview but I am also very grateful for Mr. Butorac’s contributions to the meeting as his economic and variability based approach shifted the conversation in a way that I both wanted and needed it to go to.
We also talked a lot about manufacturing methods and Mr. Ling essentially made me nail down one, that being compression molding, and also gave me some design changes that I believe will be crucial in developing the product.
Something Mr. Butorac and I realized that it would be great to get another person on board as he has knowledge about the sales, shipping, and economic side of the business, but it would be helping from a product design perspective to incorporate others. Overall, it was a great meeting and experience and I hope to set up more and similar calls soon in order to gain more knowledge in the industry directly.