Over the past week, as previously mentioned, I have altered my strategies for finding and communicating with professionals to possibly interview. In fact, I have been able to schedule another interview and also contacted a professional who is open to it (but the interview hasn’t been set up). Overall, the main strategies that worked were changing my initial message to make it more personal and using direct calls. I feel like these are the most effective, as they show persistence and make the receiver of the calls and messages feel a lot more “special” in a sense, and I am not trying to waste their time. I am really looking forward to these interviews, especially because of the struggle I had faced in the past with them, and to get them both going in the same week felt great.
In my ISM class, we are working on speeches and presentations to show our progress and the students in the class. I thought this was a chore at first, but I am now grateful for that assignment, as it allowed me to reflect on what I had been working on for the past couple months. It felt good to show my progress, and I am excited to present it to my class, as I have already seen and learned a lot from my peers.